Thursday, July 11, 2013

Celebrating 七夕♥

    Sorry for such a delayed post-- My school has been finishing final exams before summer break begins, and I have been immensely busy~ 本当にごめんね (゚Д゚≡゚Д゚)

   July 7th marked the beginning of festivities commemorating 七夕 (Tanabata-- The star-viewing festival♥). My host mom knew that I was beyond excited for Tanabata ((being in Japan to celebrate it and all)), so she let our family celebrate Toyama-style! ...Toyama style is very similar to any other style, we just celebrated the Japanese way.... We celebrated by going to a 祭り (a summer festival), making tanabata inspired あんこ (sweets eaten at a tea ceremony), by writing down our wishes on たんざく and hanging them on Bamboo in public places, and finally by sitting and watching the stars in a rice field!
Tanabata decorations to share with my family once I get back home~

Japanese Anko sweets that I made!! ^▽^
   A few days before the evening of the seventh, my host-sister and I went shopping at Daiso, the local dollar store, and we bought many Tanabata decorations and たんざく strips. We also bought a bambo strip to hang our wishes in our house and to hang out origami decorations. The origami we made involved a lot of cutting along with folding. We made many streams and lanterns to hang from our bamboo! (:
    The summer festival we went to was a small local festival in my town, but it was amazing! There were many stalls along the road with people selling fresh たこやき (octopus balls) and だんご. The streets were also decorated with wishes people had hung up and lanterns! (: It was incredibly beautiful.
Tanabata festival~ ^▽^
    Many adults and kids were dressed in Yukata at this festival, which is generally popular at summer festivals. I was not able to buy a yukata in time to also wear one, but I will have another chance soon!! (: This weekend, my family and Josh's family are taking a trip to Kyoto where we will attend the Gion summer festival! The Gion Matsuri is one of the most famous summer festivals in Japan, and it is held in Kyoto's traditional district Gion. This festival is HUGE and last the whole month of July. But this weekend, we are attending for the biggest night of the festival!
     I am beyond excited to get dressed in festival wear with Saki and Josh; I think we are buying yukata, 下駄 (traditional Kimono shoes), and we are even getting our hair done! :D I just know this weekend will be fabulous~ pictures to come soon~!

~Jane Claire  (゚ω゚ノ)ノ

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