Thursday, June 27, 2013

Small Classroom Issues....

So, today may have started as a bad day... ):
    I've been having a few small issues with my class lately, and I guess the issues make me feel a little lonely. My classmates don't really speak to me, sometimes even when I try to speak to them. I'm used to being alone, in fact I usually push myself away from being around many people at once, so I was prepared to the possibility of not talking to many people...but I guess it is kind of wearing me down. Before I leaving for Japan, i knew this would be one of the biggest problems I would be faced with this summer, and I made a promise that I would not let it destroy my happy mood while I am here. I will just continue to talk to my classmates whenever time permits and hopefully having them talk to me will become easier!(: Tonight, my host sister returns from her study abroad experience in Florida, so things should become easier at school when she is there with me!(:

   I guess my main problem has been coming from a few boys in my class.... Like, they say really mean things about me, and i sit right next to them. Yes, when you call me a "gross foreigner" while looking into my eyes, I know you are talking about me. They call me an "idiot," but I cannot be that much of a fool if I can understand their insults. Do they even realize I understand Japanese? Anyway, I constantly hear them saying really harsh, hateful things about me everyday, and it is kind of bothersome when that is the only thing I hear from my classmates all day. It is truly a shame that they are acting this way....Even so, I stated earlier that I don't want anything ruin my happy, optimistic mood, and I truly will not let that happen. The sun first rises every morning over Japan, and tomorrow brings a new day. They may have said harsh things today, but I will try again tomorrow to start fresh with them. I do believe they are good people at heart, and I hope to get on better terms with them.
Wish me Luck~!

   Also, if you are an aspiring exchange-student, please do not be concerned about your situation based on this post. This is just my personal story-- I cannot promise that this will or will not happen to you. Whatever happens, make the most of your exchange experience no matter what! Take everything with a smile and give people the benefit of the doubt!
   Anyway, my day turned around come lunch time when my friend ((another foreign exchange student)) found me and said "look! it's my favorite person!" that was so kind and he definitely helped to cheer me up. (:
 ~Jane Claire



  1. :( aww bb I'm sorry about that. Those guys are just small minded and THEY'RE the idiots tbh. Don't let them get you down!!! Maybe now that Saki is here things'll look brighter! c:

  2. aw jane... :(
    you can be our little annie... just remember that the sun'll come up tomorrow :)

  3. There are definitely tough times when we do exchange programs, but I would continue to be your lovely self and it will pay off. After all, you are not them--thankfully!
