Monday, May 13, 2013

Tick-Tock, One More Month to Go!

         I just got a package in the mail from Youth for Understanding sending me information for preparing for my study abroad experience in Japan....This made me realize, I'll be in Japan IN ONE MONTH. Woah. it just hit me--31 more days, this is amazing!! But as excited as I am ((and believe me--i am beyond happy right now)), I also just realized I will be flying internationally in one month to study abroad....Away from home, people I know, friends, family, woah. Sure, I am nervous, I think it is impossible not to be nervous at this time. Even so, i can only begin to imagine the great experiences in store for me while I will be studying in Japan. 
((Just a moment to side-track.... As it is now, I do not know anything about my host-family I will be staying with while in Japan. However, last night I had a dream where I found out about my family and went to stay with them! (: it was a nice dream, haha.))

In this package I received  I got information about my pre-departure orientation in California! from June 14th--June 17th, I will be at Berkeley at orientation. Basically at orientation, we will be touching on cultural differences in Japan and going over Home-Stay Etiquette. Orientation sounds fun, I am very excited! I have also never seen the Pacific Ocean before....hmm, is it weird to be excited about that?? ((don't answer that. I'm excited.))

~Jane Claire (^^)

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